Meals Made Easy- Food Prep Tips

Want an easy way to lose weight and save some money? Grab your kitchen utensils, fire up the grill, and get ready to start cooking at home!

Think ahead! Take a day, such as Sunday, to plan out your week. Think of what main ingredients you need to pick up from the store, and what meals you want to make. Then get chopping! Go ahead and start the mundane tasks like cleaning and chopping all of your veggies. Store them in Tupperware type containers, and they will be readily available during the week.

Cook ahead! If you really want to make your weeknight dinners fast and easy, cook your meals ahead of time. Bake or grill your meats, store them in containers, and just pop them out of the fridge for reheating. Making a large batch of soup is another great meal that is easily reheated, and goes great with a pre-made salad. So convenient! Just reheat your already grilled chicken breasts, add some rice and veggies and viola- yummy stir fry!

Freeze it! The freezer can also be your friend- soups, sauces, lasagna- all can be easily made ahead of time and then frozen. Buying meats in bulk is a great money saving idea, and makes for an easy meal later. You can brown and drain ground beef/turkey, then store in freezer containers for later use in meals. Check out some delicious dishes in our Recipes section for great dinner ideas!

John Hargrove