Adrenal Burnout

Tired? Stressed?

You may be suffering from adrenal burnout!



o   The most common complaints seen in doctors’ offices today include fatigue, depression, anxiety, allergies, candida, and hypoglycemia. These and many other symptoms can often be traced to a poorly understood syndrome, referred to as the adrenal burnout syndrome.

o   Burnout can best be defined as a major breakdown in the energy producing systems of the body. Burnout differs from simple fatigue in that one can recover from fatigue with a good night’s sleep or a vacation, whereas burnout cannot be corrected simply with rest.



o   Although burnout basically represents a physical energy breakdown, it can be brought on by any kind of stress, including both physical and emotional. Essentially, prolonged stress causes depletion of specific vital nutrients faster than they can be replaced by one’s dietary intake. As the body’s nutrient reserves become depleted, the energy producing glands-the thyroid and adrenal glands- are unable to function normally, and distressing symptoms appear.



o   Women, especially after a 2nd childbirth, or pre and post-menopause

§  Production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen is signaled by the ovaries until women are nearing menopause. Menopause signals the adrenal glands to assume the role of estrogen and progesterone production.

o   Men, especially ages 40-50

§  Adrenal fatigue causes an increase in cortisol, which causes a decrease in testosterone. An early warning sign of this process is a drop in mental clarity.

o   Young children and teenagers

§  A common misconception is that adrenal fatigue only affects adults. However, burnout is no respecter of age! As the bodies of children and teenagers rapidly grow, nutrient requirements are exceptionally high. When these requirements are not met, adrenal burnout is often the end result. 



o  If you believe that you may be suffering from adrenal burnout, we are happy to schedule a complimentary consultation for you to further discuss your concerns Dr. Hargrove. Please call our office at 912-355-3185 to request a consultation.

John Hargrove